As you might recall, the plan for late summer 2022 is to merge eRATEX into Mosaic Ecommerce 1.26. Mosaic eCommerce (MeComm) will eventually replace PrismWeb and all PrismRBS customers will be on a common web platform.

This release contains the integration between MeComm and PrismCore as well as new features that will benefit all users, including current eRATEX stores.

The advance release notes, as they relate to your bookstore, for Mosaic Ecommerce 1.26, can be found here.

This release introduces new administrative controls, plus an all-modern design framework - Bootstrap 5. Combined together, these factors will make it infinitely easier for you to manage your content and to change the way your site looks without having to understand, or even touch, the code.

As an added upside, the new framework is ADA compliant and will surge you forwards in terms of total accessibility.

In order to move to the new framework your site should have a revised skin, Once that work is done you can benefit from the full range of CMS controls.

We are offering three options for 'conversion packages' to assist with your upgrade to Mosaic Ecommerce 1.26

  • The TRANSFER Package offers the most affordable path and will require virtually no effort on your part. It is an option for you to keep your current 'skin' on your storefront. You will sacrifice some of the new advances, but it is a viable path.
  • If you’ve been thinking about updating your existing skin, this conversion is the perfect time for a refresh. Choose from the Redesign or Premium packages to get a new look and get full benefit of all of the 1.26 features.

Thank you.

Jeff Zayicek
Vice President of Professional Services
4700 South 19th Street, Lincoln, NE 68512

O: 402-479-8022   C: 610-420-4889